Our Alaska hub is 9 ½ hours away from anywhere and everywhere. -FedEx
Shipping Method - FedEx Priority Overnight
Ship Days - Tuesday -Thursday
Delivery Days - Wednesday - Friday
Delivery Location Options:
FedEx delivery to your home or business
If your business usually receives FedEx packages early in the day, this might be a good option. If your delivery address is in a residential area, your packages are usually delivered at the end of the route and may be subject to a long, hot trip.
These packages are delivered first and are kept air-conditioned. You are notified when the package is dropped off and you can retrieve it at your convenience that day. Save your peonies a hot trip in the delivery truck.
Hold For Pickup locations are numerous. For example they are found in all Walgreens and many other grocery and commercial stores. This is an excellent option, especially for residential deliveries. To find the closest location near you, go to local.fedex.com/en/hold-at-location.